Every item we offer is handmade from start to finish. That takes time. We understand, in many cases, you are looking at our products for someone special
A beautiful 2-piece chef knife set is being made now and will be ready to ship in about 10-14 days. There will be only one set available for instant purchase or advance reservation, therefore...
At Salter Fine Cutlery, we turn back the clock. Every knife is completely handmade, from start to finish. We are proud to offer high-quality luxury cookware, steak and carving knives and sets that take not hours, but days and weeks to make.
At Salter Fine Cutlery, we take pride in offering the highest quality Japanese chef knives with blades custom made for us to our designs by traditional Japanese blade makers. We then customize your set further by making each
On the 1st of January, we celebrated our 11th anniversary. For the past 11 years, we have tried to improve and grow our product line every year to offer you, our clients, the best in handmade steak, chef and carving knives. Read on to see some of what's on offer for 2021.